What time is the bookstore open on campus?

LaGuardia’s Bookstore operates completely online at laguardia.textbookx.com. Students visit the website to order online and have course materials shipped to their home while digital course material access is emailed.

You will be able to log into the website with your CUNY login and see a personalized page with the courses you registered for plus the texts that your professors assigned to them. You can then select from the new, used, rental, and eBook options available. The Bookstore also hosts a marketplace, where students around the country and other third-party sellers sell new and used textbooks at heavily discounted prices. Created in partnership with Akademos, Inc. and powered by TextbookX, the online bookstore?simplifies the course materials process for students while providing them with a variety of physical and digital textbook options.

For LaGuardia merchandise: Visit The CUNY Store for LaGuardia logo clothing and other items.