eduroam® Free Wi-Fi Available on Campus

eduroam now available at LaGuardia using your CUNYFirst credentials. You can connect to free, secure wireless internet on campus. Learn more at

By following this one-time procedure for your Android device, you ensure that your CUNY Login credentials are secure when connecting to the internet through ANY eduroam® Wi-Fi hotspot:

  1. Open in a web browser on your Android device.
  2. Click on Click here to download your eduroam® installer.
  3. Search for and select City University of New York.
  4. Tap on the eduroam button.
  5. Tap the Continue button to acknowledge the reminder to download the geteduroam app.
  6. Tap the Download button to download the file but do not open it if prompted.
  7. Install and open the geteduroam app from Google Play.
  8. Search for and select City University of New York, then tap Next.
  9. Enter your CUNY Login username and password and tap Connect to Network.