
At a Glance:

  • Around 86,000 print volumes*
  • Over 1.1 million ebooks*
  • Almost 200 databases*
  • Over 6,000 reference transactions per year (online and in-person)*
  • Over 500 classes taught (online and in-person)*
  • It was originally in the M-Building, moving to the E Building in 1992 when construction finished.
  • It originally opened with 18,000 books and media materials and 200 periodical titles.
  • In 1983 we moved to an online catalog.
  • The college archives were officially established in 1985.
  • Ngozi Agbim was our longest running Chief Librarian, overseeing the library from 1976-2005, 30 years of the 45 years the college has been open.

Library Statistics Dashboard

* Information via ACRL 2022-23

Picture of first floor of Library