(Publication Manual 10.13.95)
Published interview:
Broadcast interview:
Interview available on the Web:
Notes: The “author” of the interview may be the interviewee (see Paynter, Stevenson, and de Beauvoir examples below) or the interviewer (Brian and Bustillos examples below), depending on which person you prefer to focus. If the reference does not make clear which is which, clarification should be made in the text.
If the interview transcript is published in a periodical such as a magazine, print or online, cite the interview in the same way you would cite the medium where it is published.
If an interview is not retrievable in audio or print form, cite the interview only in the text (not in the References list) and provide the month, day, and year in the text.
Published interview
Brian, D. (2007). On Theodor Reik and psychoanalysis: An interview with Murray Sherman. Modern Psychoanalysis 32(2), 119-136. (Original interview published 1995)
Bustillos, M. (2013, March 19). On video games and storytelling: An interview with Tom Bissell. The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/on-video-games-and-storytelling-an-interview -with-tom-bissell
Interview on the Web
Paynter, W. (1970, September 17). Interview with Will Paynter. Studs Terkel Radio Archive; The Chicago History Museum. https://studsterkel.wfmt.com/programs/interview-will-paynter
Stevenson, R. E. (1999, March 5). Robert E. Stevenson, interviewed by Carol Butler, Solana Beach, California. [Edited interview transcript]. NASA Johnson Space Center Oral History Project. https://historycollection.jsc.nasa.gov/JSCHistoryPortal/history/oral_histories/StevensonRE/StevensonRE_3-5-99.htm
Radio interview recording in a digital archive
De Beauvoir, S. (1960, May 4). Simone de Beauvoir discusses the art of writing [Interview]. Studs Terkel Radio Archive; The Chicago History Museum. https://studsterkel.wfmt.com/programs/simone-de-beauvoir-discusses-art-writing