Best Choices:
Over 7,000 recognized languages are listed with a profile of the language and a map of where it’s spoken.
EBSCOhost Espanol (Spanish)
Spanish-language interface to select EBSCO databases (articles are in English and databases must be searched in English).
Also Try:
An interdisciplinary, bilingual (English and Spanish) database of newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press. Access to Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals both from and about Latin America. A repository of free online resources for Latin American, Caribbean, Latinx, and Iberian studies. Access to newspapers from around the world. Also contains legal and business information. Look up patents with TotalPatent One.Ethnic NewsWatch
Informe Academico
Latin American, Caribbean, Latinx, and Iberian Free Online Resources (LACLI)
Nexis Uni
Streaming Video
Full-length filmed stage performances of classic and modern plays, along with interviews and workshops with those involved in the playmaking process. Watch Politicians and Revolutionaries, Pre-Columbian Literature, and Conquest and Colony from Films On Demand.Digital Theatre+
World Languages Streaming Video