Getting Started
- The Chromebook will turn on when you open the cover.
- The first screen allows you to select your keyboard language and to access Accessibility features.
- Select the “Let’s Go” button to start the configuration process.
- Connect to a Wi-Fi network to continue. You must update these settings to access the LaGuardia Wi-Fi:
- Change EAP Method dropdown to “PEAP”
- Change EAP Phase 2 authentication dropdown to “MSCHAPv2”
- Change Server CA certificate dropdown to “Do not check”
- Enter your LaGuardia username in the Identity field and your password in the Password field (same as your MyLaGuardia username and password)
- Enter “” in the Domain Suffix Match field (this is recommended but not required)
- Read and accept the Google Terms of Service and then select Next to add yourself to the Chromebook.
Signing In
- As a guest, select “Browse as Guest” in the bottom left corner of the screen. Note: The only application available under the guest account is the Chrome web browser.
- With an existing personal Google account, type in your credentials and select “Next.”
- With a new Google account, select the “More Options” dropdown and select “Create Account.”
Once signed in, you can access your applications, including the Play Store to install additional applications:
- Select the circle icon in the bottom left corner.
- Select the arrow icon that appears in the bottom center.
System Tray Options (Power Options, Lock, Sign Out)
- Open your “Systems Tray” by selecting the clock in the bottom right corner.
- Select the appropriate icon:
- Power – shut down or restart (requires your Google credentials on restart)
- Lock – lock the device to require a password
- Sign out – Require full Google credentials on log in
- Instructions for setting up Blackboard, getting Blackboard after hours support, Office 365, Dropbox and other resources are available on the CUNY Loaner Support website.
- Google Chromebook Help Center
Reset Your Chromebook before You Return It
Follow these instructions to erase all the information and files on your Chromebook’s hard drive:
- Sign out of your Chromebook.
- Select and hold Ctrl + Alt + Shift + r.
- Select “Restart.”
- In the box that appears, select “Powerwash” and then select “Continue.”