Print Reserves (Textbooks)

Most textbooks and required reading materials are available in the Library on a first come, first served basis.

To get a book:

  • Search for the title book in OneSearch. Don’t know the title? Visit the college bookstore’s website
  • Ask for the book at the Circulation Desk or find it in the Permanent Reserve Textbook Collection
  • Only students with a currently-valid CUNY student ID (students from other CUNY schools may borrow material only during intersession at the discretion of Circulation Desk staff). Items are removed from Reserve at the end of each semester (Permanent Reserve Textbook Collection books) unless your professor notifies the Library.

Loan period:

  • 2-hour (Reserve Loan) books: 1 book or 2 printarticles at a time, for a maximum of 2 hours, for use in the Library only (cannot be renewed)
  • Extended Loan books: 1 week (1 renewal)
  • Permanent Reserve books: 14 days (1 renewal)
  • Overdue fines are calculated by CUNY-wide policy at the rate of $0.10 per minute, 24 hours per day (maximum fine is $100.00)
  • Please allow time to return your item. Lines may form during busy times. It is the patron’s responsibility to return materials on time.

Please note: Upon request, you can receive electronic scans of select chapters of textbooks remotely. Follow these directions to make a request.